Awe in Holidays

Is it just me or does November through early January feel less and less like a time of celebration and more and more like 3 months full of stress? With endless checklists, get togethers, and last minute shopping craziness this time of year can be more stressful than fun. I think it’s time we do something to get back to a happy holiday season.

What is Awe?

Awe is an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration and inspiration. It is produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, etc. In other words, awe is all about being overwhelmed in a good way.

Be Awestruck

With the innocence of children, everything can be “awesome.” but as we grow into adults that word is used less and less. This holiday season may be a perfect time to change that by shifting your thoughts. Instead of looking at the holidays as a stressful time focus your energy on your family.

Take a moment this season to have gratitude for and focus on your family. Think about your spouse and children this season and make spending time with them a priority. Think about the holiday activities that you are already doing and how you can involve more of your family.

For example, include the kids in decorating the home for the holidays-both inside and out. You get help and more importantly you get to see the magic of the season through the eyes of your children as they throw themselves wholeheartedly into decorating. You can then take this one step further and have them decorate their own rooms. Add a string of lights around their window, or maybe decorate their beds with garland and ribbon. Bringing the holidays into their space can make it extra special for them…and you!

Also use internet searches for activities to do with the kids for the holidays. Maybe decorating then baking cookies. Or maybe a movie night where you watch an old holiday film such as “Miracle on 34th Street” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.” If your kids are younger there are newer options such as “Elf” or “The Polar Express”. And don’t forget the classic holiday cartoons like “Charlie Brown Christmas” and “Rudolph”.

If there is snow nearby try building a snowman or a fort. Or maybe going sledding down the nearest hill. This goal is to make your family a priority and not letting the stress of the holidays overwhelm you. Put the awe back in the holidays by remembering the joy of this time of year.

Be Awe-Inspiring

Take this time to think a little out-of-the-box and take a chance to be awe-inspiring. Remember to give to others whether that be volunteering at your local soup kitchen or sharing your Christmas cookies to a local nursing home. Remember that kids also love doing arts and crafts — red and green construction paper and some scissors and glue can become a creative gift for the same nursing home. Many senior living centers have people who feel forgotten this time of year and spending some fun time with a grandmother whose grandchildren can’t visit this year could make her day.

Is there a house in your neighborhood that seems to be lacking holiday cher? Go to the dollar store and buy lights and decorations. Reaching out to others and letting them know that someone cares, that someone sees them, may be all they need to feel the awe of the holidays once again.

Be Awesome

Tom Robbins, an American author, once said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” He meant that you are never too old to be able to go back to that place in time where you could bounce back from every negative thing that touches you. It also means it’s never too late to be a kid and enjoy the holidays like you did as a child.

Think back to that time and the one or two things that made the holidays amazing. Maybe it was no school and no homework. Maybe it was opening up lots of presents. Now take a moment to think about what made the holidays no so great. Did your parents work longer hours? Was there a gift you really wanted and never got? Consider these questions as you work to put the awe back into the holidays for someone you love.

The Chiropractic Factor

Dr. Elyssa’s goal is to improve the health of you and your family. Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (not just the absence of disease!)  

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Resources: Dr. Claudia Anrig-The Wellness Family

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